The RPS Soccer Academy has the capacity to host a new student-athlete at any point of the year. In our program, short timers are not placed in separate groups but actually incorporated with our full time student-athletes. This is purposely done with the intention of allowing short time participants to experience the program and the residential academy life in its full capacity to truly grasp and know if this is what they’re looking for for their future.
Professional Pathway: It is the only academy in the world that has its OWN professional teams, making this goal MUCH more achievable
College Placement: The academy prides itself on achieving 100% college scholarships every year. The College Advisory Program provides 1-on-1 personalized guidance EVERY step of the way in the recruitment process.
Safety: The academy operates in a state-of-the-art all-inclusive gated facility with all accommodation, school, and training facilities onsite.
International & Multi-Sport: As one of the four high performance academies operating within the facility (Tennis, Golf, Soccer, and Volleyball) and hosting student-athletes from all over the world, the academy environment is ideal for development, creating an ‘Olympic Villa’ atmosphere and a strong identity.
The Rush Soccer Factor: From its unique and exclusive partnership with Rush Soccer, our student athletes access an unmatched portfolio of resources and services in College Advisory Program, Technical, Physical, and Tactical training, as well as Video Analysis and Sports Psychology. There are numerous opportunities to travel and play abroad and so much more!
Weekly camp programs are available every week of the year.
Summer Camp Dates:
June 2 until August 9
Our soccer short time weekly and summer camp program has three unique training sessions:
The morning session includes two hours of technique and skill development. The focus of the afternoon session is tactical and implementing the learning technical skills on game-like environments. The evening sessions are in-house games.
Three simple factors to develop a high performing footballer:
Talent & Potential, Volume, and Instruction. The conceptual simplicity of the approach is purposeful to remind the base necessity of excelling at identifying the highest potential players, highlight the fundamental role of volume and repetition as a necessary condition to develop mastery, and remark at last that volume of training is most frequently not sufficient if it’s not accompanied by optimal instruction. In other words, RPS Soccer Academy’s approach highlights that it is not only about Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hours but also about the quality of those hours, which need to be optimized by the best possible level of instruction.
Skill development, in that sense, is not perceived as a linear process of acquiring techniques in isolated situations to then merge into game-based and opposing situations that resemble real games in a closer fashion. Like in music, it is not always a good idea to break a masterpiece into too many fragments to try to stick it back together. From that cornerstone, the different activities and training that are utilized serve as tools that can be used based on the needs of each specific player.
To surround and support soccer specific training, a team of professionals assist for a fully holistic developmental approach, covering the areas of Video Analysis, Mental Skills & Toughness, Fitness & Performance Development, Nutrition, and Intellectual Development.
It is at the core of RPS Academies, like the famous Argentinian coach Cesar Luis Menotti said: If all you know is football, you hardly even know about football.
Our primary objective is to develop the cognitive and mental aspects of the game, including emotional control and intellectual understanding. To achieve this, we conduct training based on games.
To surround and support soccer specific training, a team of professionals assist for a fully holistic developmental approach, covering the areas of Video Analysis, Mental Skills & Toughness, Fitness & Performance Development, Nutrition, and Intellectual Development.
It is at the core of RPS Academies, like the famous Argentinian coach Cesar Luis Menotti said: If all you know is football, you hardly even know about football.
The plan is based on the systematic and incremental improvement of the player over an extended period.
We focus on the specific skill set of the athlete and connect short-term developmental objectives with long-term performance goals.
The plan goes beyond generalities, establishing specific improvement strategies by setting realistic goals that we can objectively measure. Results don’t lie and will show us the way.
Final Preparation and Daily Training
Ultimately, our success is judged by the results, which is why it is crucial for athletes to arrive at competitions well-prepared in all aspects of their game. Daily practices expose them to various types of pressure, teaching them to perform at their best, under pressure, against opponents with different playing styles. This exposure helps them interpret and adapt to different plays based on their opponents and the court surfaces.
The star of the team is the team.
We teach and we play from a position of love, not of fear.
Professionalism is not a status, it is a behavior.
Our responsibility is to nurture well rounded, cultured, sensitive people, not just great soccer players.
We don’t expect comfort, we are here to embrace the grind and to compete.
Within the RPS Soccer Academy, groups are not splitted by age groups but by level of play, respecting our overarching program principles. We are here to compete.
The first thing that’s needed to be a great coach is to know the game in depth. We coach specifics, not vague ideas.
Because the ultimate success is the success of each individual, not the success of the team.
Our coaches and students are guided by a growth mentality, understanding errors as part of the learning process, and displaying resilience.
Our systematic approach includes all of the fundamental components for peak performance including endurance, strength, power, speed, balance, coordination, agility, flexibility, and nutrition.
Develop strength, speed, coordination and agility with the RPS soccer specific conditioning program
If accepted to the program, you can join the RPS Soccer on a full-time boarding or non-boarding basis. The difference between these two formats is that boarding students live in the dorms at the Sandpiper Bay Resort at our facility. Non-boarding students spend the entire day at the facility but once academics and sports are over for the day they return to their off-campus homes.
Alternatively, plenty of student-athletes from all over the world participate in the program on a short-term basis, coming to train with us and experience the academy life generally for 1-3 weeks at a time.
Groups and teams are also frequently received with the objective of experiencing this academy life and compete against some of our teams.
RPS Soccer recruits players from Rush and non-Rush clubs from around the world. Interested candidates are evaluated as far as their soccer level through video and/or personally when possible. Very frequently interested candidates fly to the academy for short term stays of a week to try out for our teams.
Academic records are also evaluated as part of this process.
The academy life is exciting every day, yet long and demanding. Our student-athletes wake up early around 6 AM to prepare themselves for training and academics. They generally eat breakfast at 7 AM and at 8 – 8:30 AM walk to the fields for a morning training session, complemented by a second session for fitness at the gym or on the field (in recovery days this can be replaced for a class of Mental Conditioning, Nutrition, or Video Analysis).
By 9:45 AM the student-athletes are showering and getting ready to attend school, which runs in two blocks of two hours, from 10 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 3 PM, leaving a one hour break in the middle for the students to have lunch.
Once school is over, the participants change again into their training gear to go for a second training sessions at 3:30 PM on the field.
At 5 PM their day concludes, leaving an hour for them to shower and relax before dinner at the resort restaurant.
Two days a week the student-athletes attend a third shift of academics at the school.
Rush Soccer is the largest youth soccer club in the world with over 100 clubs in all six continents of the world and a strong core in the United States, in which it is represented in more than 140 communities of the country.
The RPS Soccer Academy is the pinnacle of its player development pathway, serving as the residential academy in which the club places its top talent from all over the world, with the intention of developing it to then place those players in the club’s professional teams or in the top tiers of the US college system.
The RPS Soccer Academy is a unique, top level sporting program with many benefits and differences from all other academies, such as:
4500 SE Pine Valley Street
Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34952
+1 (772) 323-0625